This page will include additional information that did not fit entirely within newsletters that I dropped off recently! I’ve included the newsletter along with additional information below. You can click here to view the newsletter on a separate page.

Proposed Relocation of Park Directly Behind Softball Field

Concerns have been raised several times around the potential for balls from the softball diamond to fly past the fence and hit children in the small park between the softball field and the school. We have talked with DGS about putting up netting around the field, but this would be a very expensive project. There have also been discussions about moving this equipment to other green spaces in the ward that do not have any equipment. Again, this would not impact the vast majority of the equipment at Banneker Park - just the smaller one between the softball field and school. I wanted to gather feedback from residents before agreeing to the movement of that play equipment. Please let me know what feedback you have.

Oversight Hearings

Time for another season of oversight hearings! The schedule can be found here.

This year, I am planning to provide either written or oral testimony at the following hearings:

  1. Department of Public Works - Wednesday, February 7th from 2 - 6 pm
  2. District Department of Transportation - Friday, February 9th from 9:30 - 6 pm
  3. Office of Risk Management - Tuesday, February 13 from 2 - 6 pm
  4. Office of Zoning/Office of Planning/Department of Buildings - Thursday, February 22nd from 9:30 to 6:00 pm
  5. Department of General Services - Monday, February 26th from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm (link not yet available)
  6. DC Public Schools - Wednesday, February 28th from 9:30 am - 6:00 pm

Howard University Map Amendment

Howard University filed a map amendment for ~27 acres on campus and along Lower Georgia Avenue. More information can be found here on DCOZ’s website.

Community Cleanups

Rat Abatement

You can check out DC Health’s website here for more general information on rat abatement. Check out this page for the petition that you can get neighbors to sign to have DC Health bait rats on several properties at once.